Family Law
Family Law Cases
A breakup between a couple is an extremely stressful occasion, specially when there are children involved. Huma's area of expertise is Children Law representing the non-resident parent seeking a Child Arrangements Orders. She regularly appears in Family Courts in Directions, Fact-finding and Final hearings.

Knowing the Law
Family Law is covered by two main Acts in the UK:
Family Law Act 1996
This mainly covers procedures for divorce, financial settlement and domestic violence
Children Act 1989
This covers all matters in relation to children such as residence, contact and other arrangements to do with children whose parents are either separating (if not married to each other) or divorcing (if married to each other)
Huma specialises in Children Law matters and appears in directions hearings, Final hearings and fact-finding hearings.
PLEASE NOTE: Talaq divorces. Huma can also advise on validity of Talaq divorces obtained through the Pakistani legal system.
Children Matters
Child Arrangements Orders replace the previous Residence and Contact Orders but essentially deal with the same thing under a new legal name. They regulate arrangements relating to who the child has to live with and who he is to have contact with.
Two more Orders can be applied for in relation to children:Prohibited Steps Order (This mainly prevents removal of child from jurisdiction of court by the parent who has residence)
Specific Issue Order (When specific issues arise in relation to a child’s schooling, medical and so on)
St Andrews Chambers
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Tel: 0208 368 3686
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email: standrewschambers@live.co.uk
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10:00 - 16:00 (Monday - Friday)

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